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Complete Guide To Overcome Misconceptions About The International Driving License

All you need to know about an International Driving License, there are a-lot of myths and lack of information about how exactly an international driving license or an international driving permit will help you and where to apply. Do not worry, We at ITCA know how difficult it is apply for an IDP without proper information about it.

Are you wondering about having an international driving permit license? Then you have arrived at the right place to know the exact details. First, you have to understand what this is? And how does this work?

International driving permits can also be an excellent way for incoming expats, businessmen, students and vacation travellers to access the foreign roads and drive their own car after their arrival. However, some common misconceptions also can turn the great opportunity into a potential legal nightmare as it can be easy to hear huge conflicting information on a specific subject. We want to address these misconceptions and deliver the correct guidelines and information based on the current road rules. Although driving has become something that every person usually does regularly, it is not enough to have an international driver’s license & drive around. You should understand and know that each and every driver's license caters to various types of people, in order for you to utilize your driver's license to its fullest potential.

Nowadays, it is essential to have an international driving license, as this carries all the necessary information about you in a foreign country.

The main reason to carry an international driving license is that an international driving license can show all the details, including what types of vehicle you can drive. Here we will discuss the benefits of having an international driving license.

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Benefits Of Having An International Driving License

Many people have also driven their cars in foreign countries without being stopped by any authorities. This could also encourage you to roll a dice & skip getting an international driving permit before your valuable trip. Hold on, It would be of great help to get an international driving permit if you also thought twice on the benefits of getting an International driving license.

There are many good reasons to obtain an international driving permit if you plan to drive your own car when visiting a foreign country. Here are some advantages of having an international driving license:

Eliminates or reduces the actual risk of being fined.

All non-resident drivers require an international driving license to drive in a foreign country. If you do not have an international driving license and, unfortunately, you get stopped by law enforcement, you could face a heavy fine.

Simplifies all communication with the local authorities while visiting a place

IDP is very helpful in countries where people do not speak English. The international driving license presents the information in 15 languages. Hopefully, this can make any interaction smoother with the authorities.

Also, this type of license includes other essential identification information like nationality, address, date of birth, height, weight, eye color, and your blood group.

How To Get An International Driving License?

Applying for an international license is valid only for drivers who already have a local driving license. The validity period of an international driving permit can be issued with a validity of upto 10 years based on UN Conventions 1968.

A detailed list of countries that accepts IDP is also listed on the International Driving license. So, you can quickly check the list of countries which you would like to visit before planning your trip. Now let us discuss

Some Of The Misconceptions Of An International Driving License:

An international driving license is just an identification proof

The main misconception about an international driving permit is that many people think that an international driving license acts as a permission or a license to drive across countries around the world. This is entirely a myth as an international driving license only acts as the basic form of identification proof in addition to having a local driving license. It is mandatory to carry your local drivers license in order for the international driving license to be eligible.

An international driving license is expensive.!!!

Also, most people think that it will be very costly to get an international driving license. At ITCA, once you complete the application form, documentation, and other formalities, you can submit it along with the required fees. Keeping in mind the needs of our customers, we have designed various plans starting from just 25€. ITCA allows you to have your own IDP that is very affordable and pocket friendly for you. And if you get an international driving license, it will be very beneficial for you to travel and drive around the world with the help of an IDP.

An international driving license is only for individuals with a local address proof!!

The other misconception about the international driving license is that you have to have a local address proof to apply for an international driving license or drive around in a foreign country. This is entirely a myth.

An IDP is valid and eligible if it is a soft copy

The other biggest misconception about the international driving license is that you don’t require a hard copy of the IDP. This is entirely a myth. An IDP is not valid until you print and have a hard copy of the International Driving Permit that you carry with you whenever you drive a car in any foreign country. Therefore, carrying a hard copy of the IDP is significantly important for the IDP to be valid and eligible.

Is it impossible to apply for an international driving license if I have a disability?

The widespread misconception is that disabled persons are not allowed to drive. In so many countries, laws were created to promote equal rights for disabled persons to travel themselves. According to law, a person with a single amputated arm or leg, post-polio individuals with a paralyzed leg, or people that have weak legs are all permitted to apply for a driver's license.

In addition to this list, any individual who is blind in one eye but has good eyesight in another, speech impaired or partially deaf, and people with difficulty in hearing are also provided and have the right to apply for an international driver's license.

Things You Need While Travelling Abroad

How To Apply For An International Driver's License?

There is a type of driver's license for every person who needs to drive. There are three types of driver's license in some specific foreign countries. Depending on your particular driving skills, you are placed under the specific categories: nonprofessional driver's license, student driver's permit, and professional driver's license. In addition, there is an International Driver's License that permits you to drive in more than 150 countries. An initial step to get your driver's license is also to get a student driver's permit. Once you are 17 years old, you can also qualify for this. As long as you undergo all these screening techniques & tests, and LTO needs.

Student driver’s permit allows you to learn to drive in a professional & accredited driving school. After at least one month, it can also be upgraded to a non-professional license. Then, later a request for a professional driving license can be applied after six months if you want. A nonprofessional driver's license qualifies you to operate any motorized vehicle for your own private or personal travel needs.

Applying International Driving License from ITCA

Suppose that you are a foreigner and holder of a local driver's license from your own country. You will also be required to present an original & photocopy of your foreign driver's license of yours at the ITCA Website.

You can translate your home country's driving license into a legitimate and valid international permit simply by going to and applying on the ITCA website. ITCA offers one of the best driver's license translation services and is ready to assist you in getting your hands on a foreign driver's license when you are traveling in a different country.

To obtain an international driving permit, you must first complete a simple online application. The application requires your basic identity information like name, address, DOB, and domestic driver's license number, along with additional personal information.

Steps To Apply for IDP

ITCA has simplified the application process for getting an international driver's license by creating a simple platform that walks you through the whole process so you know precisely what you will need to finish your application. Obtaining an international driver's license for your next international vacation is relatively simple and affordable. It takes an average of just 2 minutes to submit your application.

  1. Apply online on our ITCA website.

  2. Upload photos and required documents.

  3. Get approved and own your IDP.

How Much Time Does It Take To Get An International Driving License from ITCA?

ITCA provides you with the freedom to choose your desired delivery period and method.

We have the following options available with DHL Air cargo:

1- DHL Express UK Shipping takes only 3 days which costs €24

2- UK Priority Shipping takes 4-6 days for €14.50

3- Europe Priority Shipping takes 7-8 days which costs €19.50

4- India Normal Shipping which takes 7-8 days and costs €39

5- Malaysia Normal Shipping which takes 4-7 days, cost is €17

6- Free Shipping to UK which will take 15-20 days

7- International Express Shipping (apart from above mentioned countries) takes 7-8 days, which cost €8

8- International DHL Express Shipping takes 3 days which cost €39


When you finally get your international driver's license, it allows you to drive the vehicles in whichever country you wish to travel. Now it is even possible to rent andget private cars in many countries around the world. This is important for people who travel a lot & also want to drive around in specific countries for adventure without any travel limits. A great option is to apply for this international driver's license. Going to another country and driving your own car is very convenient and also helpful, whether you are working abroad, on a business trip, or on vacation.

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